
Safe Skin Treatments for Pregnant Women

by Laser Clinics Team on May 22, 2022

Safe Skin Treatments for Pregnant Women

Anyone who’s been pregnant at least once has experienced a roller coaster ride of changes in their body and there are times that having some “me time” can lessen your stresses about pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. 

But what are the safe skin treatments for pregnant women, or for those who are breastfeeding their babies? Here are the top 3 safest treatments:

Laser Hair Removal

If you have started a laser hair removal treatment with us before getting pregnant, you may be able to continue with your sessions. While laser hair removal is unsuitable during the first trimester of pregnancy, you can continue with your treatment during the second and third trimesters provided you have obtained mandatory medical clearance prior to proceeding. This is to ensure no unrelated complications occur during the treatment.


While facials are generally safe for pregnant women, there are some treatments that are safer than others. Deep cleansing facials that include exfoliation and moisturising are absolutely safe, as well as hydrating facials that contain safe ingredients like collagen and water.

Why do facials during pregnancy? The skin is more sensitive during pregnancy so you will notice certain changes that were never present pre-baby bump. You could have much drier or oilier skin as you adjust to your new life.

We recommend booking sessions for our Hydrojelly™ Mask Treatments. Depending on your needs, you can choose from 5 masks and 4 serum options. You may talk with our Therapists to see which one best suits your skin and to double-check if the ingredients are safe for both baby and you.

Caution! While we pair Hydrojelly™ Mask Treatments with microdermabrasion for best results, we do not recommend the latter as it might lead to more skin problems. As your skin is already sensitive during pregnancy, we do not want to risk any more concerns for you.

Laser Clinics Australia celebrates you and the life you are creating inside you! These skin treatments are some of the safest on the market, and with our team of trained Therapists using the latest technology, we endeavour to make sure that you glow throughout your pregnancy. Book a consultation today!